How to Trace Your Family Tree and History
Copyright 2003, J. M. Jones
All Rights Reserved.
If you are interested in tracing your family history and genealogy, but are unsure of how and where to get started, then this ebook is a necessity. There are so many genealogy sites online, that it can be overwhelming. Don't be duped into subscribing to fee based genealogy research sites!! Why pay hundreds of dollars per year in membership fees to such sites when this ebook can point you to free online sites where you can find most of the same genealogical information for free.
The ebook will show you how to trace your family tree by utilizing a variety of tools, local resources, and free websites. It will guide you through all of the various procedures step by step. It begins with describing how to gather and record your initial information and takes you all the way through to publishing your tree on web pages which can be uploaded to your own family genealogy website.
The ebook contains links to numerous genealogy research sites and to free genealogy software sites. You can establish your internet connection and click on the links within the ebook to visit the research sites, and you can also download the free programs from the software sites.
For your convenience, in order
to save you some downloading time, the cd contains some blank forms and charts
which you can print and use to record your initial research. The cd also
includes a freeware genealogy program and several freeware utility programs.
The cd includes everything you need to get started on your family tree.
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